Lovers Defence 1.0

Lovers Defence has now (re) launched, with a tonne of new features. 

When we first created this game it was during a 72 hour gamejam known as the Ludum Dare. It was an absolute struggle and we essentially couldn't finish anything other than the art, writing, and basic programming. Since then we've kept the art intact but overhauled the game with a new UI system, functional towers,  and an upgrade system. Another exciting thing we included was VOICE ACTING! Yes, random as it is. This year we went from being a little team of friends to being an official studio in the UK! Rat Magic Games are, very literally, a company, and the team thought a good way to showcase this was through Lovers Defence's relaunch. 

Thank you to the amazing Minh Ton & Leader Looi for lending your amazing voices and I hope you guys love the game.

On a more realistic note, we know the game isn't going to be perfectly balanced on release, we did playtest a lot and got some great feedback, but there's always stuff missed that we'll update on as we go. We don't know exactly when we'll do our next big update but we have some stuff planned for the game starting next year, but since our studio is currently working to get the demo for Marigold Mysteries finished (this month!) you'll have to forgive us. 

The game should pretty much stay free forever, and get a few big updates that add new levels, new systems, new towers, & and endless mode. 

For now, I hope you all enjoy what we've created, and stay seated for our upcoming project(s). 

Love you!

Team Rat


Lovers Defence Play in browser
Dec 17, 2023

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